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Discussing the School Health Policy

Peter and Sheila Page recently moved to a new town, and they are searching for a suitable

school for their son and daughter. Their neighbour recommended a private school close to

their home. Today, they are at the school talking to the principal, Mr Jones, about the health


Peter: My son has asthma and sometimes, he has asthma attacks when there are certain

triggers. What is your school policy regarding medication and supporting pupils with asthma?

Mr Jones: Well , we have a full-time nurse working in our school who is always available to

assist any pupil in need. We also have a school doctor who works two full days a week. If a pupil requires medication during school time, parents must send a written letter with a clear

explanation of how and when the medication should be given.

Peter: OK, that’s great. And where do you store medications? This is an important safety

issue for us…

Mr Jones: Yes – that’s very important. Here, all medications are kept in a locked cupboard

with a fridge in the school office which can only be accessed by certain members of staff.

Also, it is a requirement of our school policy that all medications must have a prescription

label with a doctor’s signature and clear administration instructions.

Peter: OK. And what about inhalers? Are pupils allowed to carry inhalers?

Mr Jones: If the pupil has a signed doctor’s letter, he or she can carry prescribed inhalers

with them throughout the day.

Peter: Great - thank you for your time today, Mr Jones. We just need some time to think...

Mr Jones: Of course, please, take your time. It’s a very important decision after all!

Peter: We’ll be in touch with you soon.

Cups of Coffee
Discussing the School Health Policy


Phrasal verb
Example sentence
To come around

To become conscious again after an illness or an operation

One hour after the operation, she started to come around.

To shake something off

To get rid of an illness

I really hope I can shake this cold off before the weekend.

To pass out

To become unconscious for a short period of time.

When the ball hit her on the head, she passed out.

To pick something up

To start to suffer from something

She picked up the cold when she was- on holiday.

To come down with something

To start to suffer symptoms of an illness.

I think I’m starting to come down with the flu.

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