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Talking about Stress and Depression

Karen is a radio show host. Today, she is talking to a behavioural psychologist, Dr Harriet Smith, about stress and depression...

Karen: Dr Smith, most of us experience stress in the workplace. What increases our stress level?

Dr Smith: Well, work-related stress has many different causes, but I can say that some professions are clearly more stressful than others.

Karen: Can you give us some examples?

Dr Smith: Well, any jobs which have an excessive workload and a lack of control and support – these are major contributors to increased stress levels. For example, hospitality workers and middle-level managers.

Karen: And how can we protect ourselves from stress in the workplace?

Dr Smith: Well, we can cope with stress better by strengthening our emotional intelligence. And the first step is identifying the triggers. Triggers cause ‘emotional hijacks’.

Karen: What should we do when we are in the middle of an ‘emotional hijack’?

Dr Smith: My advice is to walk away from a tense situation by going for a walk, going to get a drink, or taking a minute to calm down.

Karen: I understand from today’s conversation that I should invite you to talk on my programme more often! Would you like to be our guest again?

Dr Smith: It would be my pleasure!


images related to the title of the conversations
Talking about Stress and Depression


Phrasal verb
Example sentence
To come around

To become conscious again after an illness or an operation

One hour after the operation, she started to come around.

To shake something off

To get rid of an illness

I really hope I can shake this cold off before the weekend.

To pass out

To become unconscious for a short period of time.

When the ball hit her on the head, she passed out.

To pick something up

To start to suffer from something

She picked up the cold when she was- on holiday.

To come down with something

To start to suffer symptoms of an illness.

I think I’m starting to come down with the flu.

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